 | Main Theatre Page |
 | Skinny Minnie & Max: The Chicken Dance |
 | Roxie: The Moon and Sun Dance > |
 | Jasmine: The Alley Cat Dance |
 | Snowflake & Mayor: The Feather Dance |
 | Jazzy: A Modern Ballet Dance |
 | Diablo: The Halloween Dance |
 | Refreshments are now being served in the lounge |
 | Jezebella: The Honky Tonk Fan Dance |
 | Jazzy: The Christmas Dance |
 | Roxie The Happy Birthday Dance |
 | Roxie: A Disco Dance  |
 | Jasmine: & Mr.BoJangles: The Romance Dance |
 | Fatso: The Cake Dance |
 | Curtain call. Message from cats at end of show. |