I am Esmerelda the Gypsy Cat![]() ![]() ![]() There are days when I regret that Diabella breathed life into me. All would have been fine had she not placed me near an open window for the paint on my face to dry. You see, there was this beautiful orange butterfly outside and I tried to... oh, well. Doesn't matter. It didn't take long to learn that the life of a street cat isn't easy but each day did bring a new adventure. By the time I met up with King I'd already been on the streets for a couple of years. However, I had never heard of Brooklyn until that misty Autumn eve. Come a bit closer. Let me tell you all about that frightful night, and about my adventure with King Kat"... |
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![]() Suddenly she grinned widely and stuffed me into a Macy's shopping bag. Through the glass door and up an elevator we went. Once inside a tiny office she looked around and locked the door behind us. She sat me on a desktop and laughed excitedly. "Kitty-Kat, I have one hell of an idea!""Esmerelda!" I replied. "My name is Esmerelda the Gypsy Cat!" She didn't understand me. She broke a cookie in two and set the larger piece before me. It sure was no burger but I devoured it anyway. After years on the streets you learn to take what you get when you get it. She grinned again."I have one heck of an idea, kitty... and it is going to work! We are going to exchange favors: I will find you a home and, in turn, you will be a Christmas present for a friend." ![]() |
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![]() ![]() ![]() I wondered how close it was. Crawling through the fallen leaves I spotted a newsstand and pounced atop a stack of papers. The New York Times headline read: "Tylenol Killer stalks City." The date above the headline told me it was Hallows Eve. ![]() ![]() What do you get for free if you buy one? I jumped onto the rim of the can, steadied myself on my hindquarters, dug in and uncrumpled the coupon. Hmm, I thought to myself. The one on 34th Street isn't far. Crouching low to the ground on all fours I went full speed ahead. Within minutes the Burger King sign was in view. My instincts for survival were sharp. Their trash can overflowed with the day's leftovers. The moonlit streets were still except for the haunting sound of a newspaper dancing in the wind. I pounced on the trash can and dug in. |
Before I had a bite of anything, out of nowhere appeared a big fat tomcat decked out in purple satin shorts, a royal blue cape and a gold paper crown bearing the words "Burger King - Home of the Big Whopper." "Good evening, fancy feline ... and a happy Hallows Eve to you," he bellowed as he bowed deeply. "Allow me to introduce myself. My name is King Kat the Third." His cape swayed in the breeze revealing a huge bulging spare tire about his waist. He lit a cigar and the smoke hovered over his head forming a halo. I was quite stunned by his size and overpowering presence.
![]() "Hello, King ... I am Esmerelda The Gypsy Cat - and I just love your Halloween costume." "This is no costume," he replied. From the expression on his face I could tell that he wanted me. "Follow me to my castle, fancy feline, and I will shower you with jewels and silks, champagne and satin, lace and furs." His eyes sparkled like iridescent mounds of hot coal and for one fleeting moment I imagined that he was the devil in disguise about to ignite 42nd Street with the flames of hell. ![]() |
![]() ![]() ![]() I can't lie. I knew what King wanted. But I was so hungry that I didn't care. Guided by the stars we walked side by side across the Brooklyn Bridge and through a maze of darkened streets for what seemed like hours. I was hungry and tired, and a bit scared. Just when I thought I couldn't lift another paw we arrived. So this was King's castle! The abandoned old warehouse filled the deserted tree lined street. I gazed up and silently counted 38 stories. Once inside the musty building we climbed the cobweb covered stairway to the top landing. King took out a rusty iron key and unlocked the heavy mahogany door on the 38th floor... |
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![]() ![]() My selection was a peach colored silk gown, a string of pearls, orange velvet evening slippers and a fox capelet. By the time I finished dressing I was so excited that I quickly forgot about my empty stomach. Posing in the mirror I smiled at my reflection. The soft shade of peach did wonders for my complexion, and the capelet was even more luxurious than my own coat. A bell rang three times. King entered, took my arm, and escorted me down a narrow corridor and through an arched doorway. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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![]() The 31st day came and went as usual. After a leisurely dinner of chicken and ribs supreme and imported white wine I retired to my chamber. King had left a scanty pair of purple panties trimmed with a purple puff of feathers on the bed. I removed the coral gown, slipped into the panties, and slid under the covers. The wine had left me drowsy. Just as my eyes were beginning to close, there came a knock at the door. King entered and sat at the edge of the bed. He was clad in black satin shorts, a smile, and the Burger King Home of the Big Whopper crown. I couldn't help laughing. "Tell me, King, what's with the crown?" I asked. "The time has come, Fancy," he answered. "I will show you." He slowly rose from the bed's edge and dropped his black satin shorts to his paws. He untied a string at his waistline and began to unwind something which was wrapped around and around his body. Minutes later, he was still unwinding this thing. It was now tangled around the room many times, and his spare tire had mysteriously vanished. At first I couldn't grasp what was happening. When this thing was finally unwound King looked at me and grinned a wicked grin baring his gleaming teeth. He pointed his paw between his legs and proudly cried: "INTRO--DUCING ............ THE BIG WHOPPER!" Never had I seen anything like it! All at once I realized what this "thing" was. It was the biggest whopper I'd ever laid eyes on. King Pulled his shorts up, Took a puff of his cigar, and began to sing the Burger King song: ![]() ![]() "Aren't you hungry? ... Aren't you hungry? ... Aren't you hungry for Burger King now?" In one giant leap I sprang through the archway and made my way through a tunnel of rooms leading to the landing. Had to get away. It was then that I saw the padlock on the exit door and fainted. I awoke on the sofa sometime later to a servant pressing an icebag to my head. It was morning. King was sitting before the chess board grooming his fur. Yellow rays of sunlight streamed in from a nearby window and pointed at his head. He lit a cigar and a stream of smoke drifted upward and reached the ceiling in an unbroken chain. Half dazed. My eyes followed the chain... and all at once my escape plan was formed. It was crazy. Would it work? Could it work? Yes. If I played it cool. I rose from the sofa, still a bit dizzy, and joined King at the chess board as though nothing had happened. I told him that the last thing I remembered was passing out from the wine. King seemed relieved. His mouth widened in a grin pulling his whiskers up to his large oval ears. I forced myself to stay calm and make conversation. Besides, I was still curious. "Tell me, King, with all of this extravagance why do you hang around the Burger King trash can?" "Because it is the home of the Big Whopper and I am the original Big Whopper." "Oh, dear, don't explain .... it's okay. Don't explain." I quickly switched on the TV to interrupt his train of thought. Thank goodness it worked and kept him from finishing his big whopper story. |
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Couldn't sleep that evening. Planning ... thinking ... twisting ... turning. Would it work? It had to. There was a padlock on the exit door and there was no other way out. The night closed in.
![]() I played up to him and filled and refilled his goblet, each time transporting a bit of the powder from the handkerchief into his goblet. ![]() ![]() ![]() And he drank, and drank, and drank, until he passed out cold and the servants carried him off to bed. I went to my room and undressed. ![]() The mirror captured the vase of crimson carnations and doubled their intensity. As I bent forward to sniff the carnations, I noticed that with every movement the light played with the sequins transforming them into tiny specs of fire. Suddenly the mirror was ablaze with red. I smiled. What a happy word this would be if everything in it was red. Next I selected a diamond necklace and a tapestry evening pouch from the second drawer. And then I dropped the gleaming tube containing the red substance into the pouch. After one last look at grandma's dazzling array of gowns and furs, I sighed, and with mixed feelings left the room. |
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![]() I walked to the window, opened it, and nervously gazed down into the streets below. Then I tip-toed to King's bedside and pulled the covers down. His body was clad in yellow satin shorts. I removed them, untied the string at his waist, and put one paw beneath his body lifting him slightly from the bed so that I could begin the unwinding process. Being that it was difficult to calculate the exact length needed, I would have to unwind it all. This I did, and out the window and down I lowered it just like a chain. Fully unwound it met with the second story. A breeze blew past it and stiffened it ever so slightly. King smiled and mumbled in his sleep. I jumped onto the window ledge, mounted the big whopper and slid all the way down to the second story and jumped to the ground. My crazy escape plan had worked. I gazed up at the big whopper for a moment. It was dancing in the breeze. And then I ran through the streets like a bat outta hell. |
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Dawn broke. It began to snow tiny polka-dots. Once again, I was chilled to the bone and hungry. Once again, I was a stray. I joined several cats feasting near a trash can and managed to grab a chicken bone. One hissed and looked at me cross eyed. The others just stared. I must have been some sight: Sequins and diamonds and a chicken bone hanging from my mouth. Had to think seriously about the future. I had had my share of adventure. Had that butterfly not tempted me, none of this would have happened. Did I want to remain a stray forever? Somehow, I wasn't very eager to cope with life on the streets anymore.
Needed a plan. No. Not a plan. Just a home. A simple home with someone to feed me and care for me and love me. Should I try to find that bridge back to Manhattan? Or, should I chance my fate here in this place called Brooklyn? BROOKLYN? .... why does that name suddenly bring visions of a home? Why is it so familiar? Think I had once seen it written somewhere. Hmmm..... Yes. I think it was near the word "Christmas". Oh, dear, sometimes I am so absent minded. I remember! The bandaid! It was on the bandaid! It was part of an address of a new home for me. Let's see: Brooklyn ...... Christmas ..... Tan Street ? No. Beige Street? No. It was Brown Street. Yes. Brown Street! It's all coming back to me: Melissa F - 5008 Brown Street - Brooklyn, USA - By Christmas. Yep. That was to be my new home. I was supposed to be a Christmas present for a child named Melissa, who lives there. I remember it all and prayed there was still time. ![]() |
![]() ![]() Brown Street??? My ears perked up! "C'mon, George, let's go to 5008 Brown Street......the house with the barbeque and the great garbage." "OK Yetta, you win. Anything to shut you up." George walked, Yetta waddled, and I followed. So, Thanks to the kind lady who found me in front of her office building, and thanks to George and Yetta Katz who guided me to Melissa's doorstep, I arrived at my new home just in time for Christmas. It wasn't a moment too soon for me as I'd had it with the dangers and perils of life on the streets. After the formal introductions, and after gulping down an entire bowl of Friskies, I promised Melissa that we'd be the best of friends as long as she didn't dream up some silly name for me. You see, I told her that my name was appointed by my creator, and that I always was, and always will be, Esmerelda the Gypsy Cat. |
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Diabella Loves Cats ... Web Site IndexThis is a brief index. The index on the Home Page has full details on each page. | |||||||
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